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#16: Dreams of the Harvest
Fri 11/23/2012
2:05 AM


"Yes, Sally?"

"How long do you think we can keep this up? I mean...the illusion that we're just some rich couple...young, in love, and living the life of nobles, while wanting to share it with those around us?"

"As long as we want to, Sally. Nothing can stop us anytime soon, unless we want it to. We're in complete control here."

"But...this is so unlike us..."

"According to who? The people who knew our past lives aren't around any more."

"I know, Rick, but... I still can't shake the feeling that we're going to be found out...any day, now..."

"You're blowing things out of proportion. Seriously, what gives you that idea?"

"What about the one we just took in this evening? She was pointing out all kinds of details about our house that I knew nothing about! Do you even realize how hard it was, acting not only like she was saying what I already knew, but also that I knew what she was talking about in the first place?"

"Why didn't you ask me for help?"

"She was already talking to me about it, and you were in the basement preparing tonight's serum! There was nothing I could do."

"...I'm sorry, Sally. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."

"No... I'm not saying it was your fault. Someone obviously has to get the serum ready. There was nothing else you could do, either. We both had to be present when most of the guests arrived, so to prep the serum earlier wasn't possible."

They stared in silence at each other for a few moments before Sally continued with another doubt.

"You do realize...that this plan depends on our guests wanting to come back several times, right? There's no guarantee they will, nor do we know for sure that the drugs will work within only a few doses--"

"Oh, they'll work," Rick replied confidently. "They're the result of a thorough body of research. They've been fully tested. We helped with that, remember?"

Some of the color left Sally's face as she fell silent. She stared off into the distance for a moment. She looked lost.

"Remember," he continued, "we are but one cog in a giant, well-oiled machine."

"Is that what we are, now?"

"Why, yes! A machine that can help people!"

" the expense of others...?"

"Don't worry about them. They came here of their own free will. They could just as well have left."

"They most likely WOULD leave, if they knew what we were up to!"


She froze in silence. The sheer volume of Rick's shout caught her off-guard.

"Listen to me, Sally."

"I'm listening..."

"You knew what you were signing up for when we started walking down this road. This is a unique business...where the product is derived from people. You were well aware of this. You assured me that you wouldn't have a problem going forward..."

"...but...I had no idea that--"

"No idea of what? That people would die as a result of our actions? What kind of market do you think we're selling to here? You think they sell computer parts, or something?"

Sally fell silent, again.

"Were you dreaming? If so, it's time to wake up. We're deep enough in this thing that there's no turning back now!"

A few seconds went by, in silence, before Sally decided to speak again.

"So...the next event is...Wednesday?"

"Thursday, actually. It's another gala. This time we're hiring a pianist...he's not part of the plan, though. For all he knows, he's just showing up at some mansion with a piano and doing his thing."

"How do we make sure he doesn't drink the wine?"

"Simple. I just let him know that I expect him to stay away from the alcohol. I'm his boss, after all."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Well...what's the big deal? In the worst case, our profits go up; we'd just need to find a new pianist. Actually...sounds like it wouldn't be all that much of a tragedy, after all..."

"Will anyone be up to their fourth dose?"

"Not this time, although we'll have a few on number three."


Silence, for a few moments.

"I'm really worried about that one girl," Sally said.

"I told you, you can't go developing attachments to these people. They're our product, not our friends."

"No, I mean, about her figuring us out. Her name started with an 'M,' I think. She seemed really perceptive...and she was blurting out all kinds of things about architecture. Something about Roe-cocoa, or something like that...I was so nervous that I almost cracked. Seriously, Rick, I think we might be in trouble."

"Did she get the first dose?"

"Yes, but--"

"Does she plan on coming back next week?"

"I think so..."

"Then it makes no difference. If she shows up twice, I'm sure she'll stick around for two more. And soon enough, her organs will be right there on the market with the others."